4 acre hospital in Kala Shah Kaku Under-Design Prepartion for 60 Beds will benefit 250,000 people.
Project Cost (Pak Rupees): 180 Million
Status: Land Purchasing In Progress
4 water filtration plants already operational in different villages of Kala Shah Kaku. 2 water filtration Plants in progress will benefit 100,000 people.
Project Cost (Pak Rupees): 9 Million
Status: 4 Operational, 2 In Progress
1 school in Ravi Rayon is in operation. It provides employment to 3 teachers. It has a capacity of 60 Students. At the end of course each attendant is provided with sewing machine as gift, to facililitae them for starting jobs immediately. 02 More schools in near by locations are under construction.
Project Cost (Pak Rupees): 2 Million
Status: 1 Operational, 2 In Progress
25 marriages after every six months.
Project Cost (Pak Rupees): 2 Million
Status: Regular Program
Arrangement for skilled jobs in Middle East through a licensed Overseas Employment Promoter for the successful trainees of Skill & Trade Training.
Status: Operational
Built bridge on Nala Dek between two villages. Reduced 6 KM distance. Benefits 18,000 people.
Project Cost (Pak Rupees): 1.2 Million
Status: Completed
Purchased land for graveyard in village Ravi Rayon.
Project Cost (Pak Rupees): 3 Million
Status: Completed
1 built in Meraj Town of Kala Shah Kaku.
Project Cost (Pak Rupees): 2 Million
Status: Completed
Built in Noon Village of Kala Shah Kaku.
Project Cost (Pak Rupees): 2 Million
Status: Completed.